Share a Day

Share A Day

Celebrations are always more special, it’s more special if you celebrate your special moments along with needy. Register with us, Let’s celebrate your special moments together.

How Can We Do This, Together?

1. Register

Share us the details of your special day and also choose our nearest chapter to arrange excess food at your place.

2. Connecting with Volunteer

After registering, NFW volunteer team will get in touch with you to confirm the the type of food and other details few days before the wedding date.

3. Confirmation

During the special day, the NFW Volunteer team will get in touch with you to reconfirm the availability of un touched excess food.

4. Distributing to Needy

Our volunteer will arrive at your place and examine the food carefully to ensure that the food is in good condition and safe for consumption. If it matches the quality conditions that we follow, we’ll distribute it to the needy with love.